Kriya Yoga Lineage

The Kriya Yoga householder lineage of Panchanan Bhattacharya preserves all seven chapters (or initiations) of Kriya Yoga originally taught by Lahiri Baba (Lahiri Mahasaya) who learned from his master, Mahavatar Babaji. This unbroken lineage has passed the powerful practices of the original Kriya Yoga from teacher to student through means of oral tradition to the present day. This lineage includes:

Mahavatar Babaji, also known as Mahamuni Babaji, Babaji Maharaj, Trayambak Baba, Babaji Nagraj, and Shiva Baba is the deathless master who imparted Kriya Yoga diksha (initiation) to Shyama Charan Lahiri in the late 19th century as a practical means of salvation for humankind. 

Yogiraj Lahiri Baba, also called Lahiri Mahasaya or Kashi Baba, was born Shyama Charan Lahiri in Ghurni, West Bengal on September 30, 1828. As a married householder, he met his guru Mahavatar Babaji in the Dronagiri mountains near Ranikhet in November 1868 and was initiated into Kriya Yoga. Changed forever by this fortuitous event, at the urgings of his teacher, Lahiri Baba began teaching Kriya Yoga sadhana to students of all castes and religions. On September 26, 1895 in Varanasi, Lahiri Baba left his earthly body and attained mahasamadhi.

Panchanan Bhattacharya was born to a Brahmin family in Kolkata, West Bengal on November 12, 1853. He was Lahiri Baba’s pre-eminent disciple and devoted his life to supporting the spread of his guru’s teachings. Panchananji compiled numerous commentaries by Lahiri Baba on the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedantas, and other works and established the Aryya Mission Institution at Kolkata for the purpose of publishing  books related to Kriya Yoga. He left his earthly body and entered mahasamadhi on March 24, 1919.

Netai Charan Bandyopadhyaya (Netai Baba) was born on June 18, 1894. His father was Bamdev Banerjee, an ardent disciple of Panchanan Bhattacharya. Netai Baba was initiated into Kriya Yoga at the urging of Panchananji, who often extolled him as model student in Kriya Yoga. In his later life, he remained in unbroken sadhana at his home in Shipbur, Howrah where his disciples and visitors came to receive darshan. He attained mahasamadhi on February 9, 1979.

Maheshwari Prasad Dubey was born in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh on January 4, 1936. He received initiation into Kriya Yoga from Netai Baba and practiced the sadhana while diligently discharging his duties as a householder. He was learned in the Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas and authored Kriya Yoga Rahasay (published in Bengali in 2012 and English in 2022).

After his retirement from the private sector, Dubeyji often remained engrossed in yogic trance and was visited by his closest disciples. He gave up his body and attained mahasamadhi on July 17, 2004.

Ashok Kumar Singh was born in Patna, in the state of Bihar, India in 1940. After receiving a degree in engineering, he came to the United States at the age of 21 and obtained his Master’s Degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Southern California. He was initiated into Kriya Yoga through Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self-Realization Fellowship in 1961. In 1998, Ashokji was initiated into the Panchanan Bhattacharya lineage by Sri Maheswari Prasad Dubey and subsequently received all seven chapters of Kriya Yoga from him. Ashokji taught Kriya Yoga widely to students until his mahasamadhi on June 28, 2021.

Forrest Knutson grew up in the Pacific Northwest and was initiated into Kriya Yoga through Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) and lived as an SRF monastic for seven years. Forrestji was initiated into the Panchanan Bhattacharya lineage of Kriya Yoga by Ashok Kumar Singh and continues to teach through his YouTube channel,  website Meditative Mellows, and in person. He is the author of Mastering Meditation: Eight Steps from Master to Adept and Hacking the Universe: The Process of Yogic Meditation.

See details below

Maxwell Popp is a Kriya Yogacharya and is authorized to give initiation in Kriya Yoga in the Panchanan Bhattacharya lineage. He has studied under Steve Lauer and Delson Armstrong and has a deep understanding of Kriya Yoga, the Dhamma, and meditation. He uses his intuition, experience, and knowledge to help others advance in their yoga and meditation practice. Originally from the United States, Maxwell is currently living in Northern Germany and has a fluent understanding of German. He teaches Kriya Yoga, Yin Yoga, and meditation at Zonnewol Yoga Studio in Klintum-Leck, Germany and is available for one-to-one consultations. He can be reached at

Kriya Yogacharya Steve Lauer

Steve Lauer is a Kriya Yogacharya (authorized teacher of Kriya Yoga) under Forrest Knutson in the householder lineage of Panchanan Bhattacharya. He has over 20 years of experience in Kriya Yoga, beginning with his initiation in Yogananda‘s lineage in 2002.

Steve teaches Kriya Yoga and meditation based on his direct experience of having reached the highest meditation states (nirbija samadhi) and beyond. His evidence-based teaching perspective is rooted in supreme non-duality (Paramādvaya), which encompasses non-dual perspectives held in Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, Vajrayana, Taoism, and other spiritual traditions.

Inclined towards meditation and spirituality from an early age, Steve has intensively studied several complementary systems including Daoist Internal Alchemy under Michael Winn, Arhatic Yoga under Master Choa Kok Sui, Non-Dual Shaiva Tantra under Hareesh Wallis, Tantric Yoga under Yogani, and Buddhist meditation under Delson Armstrong.

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